Wednesday 8 December 2010

Google Sketchup

This chest of drawers was drawn in Google Sketchup. I was experimenting with the Pull tool on the programme to create the drawers, and used the Paint tool (much like the Album section of ProDesktop) to give it a wood effect. This would be easy for young pupils to create as a starter task, and easier objects could be given to pupils who struggle, as well as harder objects for those who find it simple.
This was my model of a tray used in a stackable Recycling Box in Student Accomodation. This software is very easy to use, adn easy to get to grips with. I find this package much easier and quicker to use than ProDesktop, although specifics are harder to achieve. For example, a lid couldn't be added on top of this, and curved edges are difficult to get on the product. Specific dimensions cannot be gained using this software, but as an effective quick-to-make rough model, this software is perfect. This would be great for Year 9's to quickly show how thier design idea would actually work, and in GCSE folders, rather than a rough drawing in their design folder.

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